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Transition to Net Zero Blog
Tunley Environmental29 Jan 20244 min read

BS ISO 14068:2023 Standard: New for the Transition to Net Zero

Most organisations are already familiar with the standard BS EN ISO 14064, as part of the ISO 14000 series, this standard specifies the requirements and guidelines for greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories at the organisational level, however, a new standard has recently been created within this series to further standardise your transition to Net Zero, BS ISO 14068.

If you are a company that wants to reduce their carbon footprint, this new standard will aid you to verify your carbon reduction plan and purchase certified carbon offsets without the worry of double counting. In this blog, we’ll discuss what is BS ISO 14068, how it relates to PAS 2060, and how it can benefit your business.

What is the BS ISO 14068 standard?

BS ISO 14068 is a publicly available specification created and published in 2023 by the International Organization of Standardization as part of the ISO 14000 series for environmental management. It provides strong guidance and detailed verifiable requirements for the quantification and reduction of GHG emissions. This allows for verifiable claims of carbon neutrality and Net Zero for products and services, or organisations so that there is no net release of GHG emissions into the atmosphere.

To achieve this standard organisations must follow the principles and requirements of this standard. This includes the accurate quantification of GHG emissions in line with the following the ISO 14060 series standards: ISO 14064 standard for organisations or projects, or ISO 14067 for products, followed by a active effort to reduce GHG emissions where financially feasible, and offsetting the remaining emissions through the purchase of verified carbon credits which are assessed to this standard. There are three main steps to this standard:

  1. Quantifying the carbon footprint – the carbon footprint must be calculated using an internationally recognised standard such as ISO 14064-1 for business or ISO 14067 for products. These standards are the requirements for quantifications of an assets carbon footprint that ensures a standardised methodology is consistent and accurate.
  2. Reduce GHG emissions – show a reduction in your emissions using the hierarchy set out in this standard with a clear pathway to carbon neutrality, which must be demonstrated over a number of steps in a timeline.
  3. Offset remaining – upon reduction of GHG emissions, organisations can offset their remaining unavoidable emissions with verified high quality carbon credits which are ensured by this standard to remove the necessary quantities of GHG emissions.

It is important to note that as in ISO 14064 this includes all types of GHG emissions, not just CO2.  

How does this relate to PAS 2060?

PAS 2060 is a publicly available specification created by the British Standards Institution (BSI). It provides a framework for companies to achieve carbon neutrality, to demonstrate that they have ensured that there is no net release of GHG emissions into the atmosphere. ISO 14068:2023 will ultimately replace PAS 2060 as the new standard for carbon neutrality.

A period of 24 months was announced, from the date of publication of the ISO 14068 standard, before the PAS 2060 document will be withdrawn. The ISO standard was published on 30th November 2023 and therefore will completely replace the PAS 2060 standard from 30th November 2025.

This new standard builds upon PAS 2060 which was first developed 15 years ago, with the most prominent difference noted to be the detailed provisions on the hallmarks of high-quality carbon credits.

Why is ISO 14068 important?

The escalating issue of climate change is increasingly capturing the attention of corporations, consumers, and governmental bodies. A multitude of entities are exploring strategies to diminish their carbon emissions and showcase their dedication to ecological preservation. This offers an acknowledged benchmark for carbon neutrality, enabling companies to exhibit their green initiatives to interested parties.

Moreover, achieving carbon neutrality can offer advantages to companies that extend beyond environmental conservation. It can also lead to monetary savings through reduced energy expenditures, enhance their brand's standing, and set them apart from their market rivals.

How can I implement ISO 14068?

Reaching carbon neutrality must begin with accurately quantifying your GHG emissions, it is then essential to identify all economically viable opportunities for GHG emission reductions, you must then show that you have a plan, with a hierarchy, to make these reductions before carbon credits are purchased or developed to offset remaining emissions. Any carbon credits utilised must be of high-quality as set out in this standard. Quantifications, reductions and your carbon management plan must be verified by an independent party.

Each of these steps are essential to achieve the ISO 14068 standard.

Tunley Environmental

We specialise in helping businesses like yours reduce their carbon footprint and achieve carbon neutrality. Our team of experts can guide you through the process of measuring your GHG emissions, identifying opportunities for reduction, and offsetting any remaining emissions, reaching ISO 14068. We can also ensure a smooth transition from PAS 2060 to ISO 14068.

We specialise in developing carbon management plans that set achievable and reasonable targets, outlining actions your organisation or product would need to take to become carbon neutral and avoid greenwashing claims. Furthermore we can assist you in obtaining high quality, verified carbon credits that align with your objectives and values to offset your remaining GHG emissions.


Get in touch with our team of sustainability consultants and find out exactly how Tunley can help your organisation.