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Tara Garraty, BSc, MSc Conservation Biology, PhD Conservation Biology (Pending), is a seasoned sustainability and conservation scientist with a specialised background in ecology and conservation biology. She holds a BSc and MSc degree in Conservation Biology, focusing on ecosystem services and ecosystem health, and is in the process of submitting her PhD in Conservation Biology, titled “An Ecological Model: Quantifying Links Between Biodiversity, Hydrological Events, and Climate Change within the Peruvian Amazon,” which focus on the impacts on biodiversity in a changing climate. Tara’s career has concentrated on research and education in tropical and marine conservation, climate change, sustainability science, ecosystem function, biodiversity, and general ecology. Her in-depth research, which includes extensive statistical ecological and climatic modelling, offers a comprehensive understanding of the impacts of climate change on crucial tropical ecosystems. Driven by her passion for preserving the planet,  her main career goals are to contribute towards global conservation and sustainability objectives, educate public platforms on essential environmental issues, and promote sustainable practices through fieldwork, education, and research. 

In her spare time, Tara loves hiking and camping with her partner and rescue pup Koda. She enjoys running, live music gigs, traveling, and art.

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"Helping businesses reduce their impact on the environment is crucial for preserving biodiversity, conserving natural resources, and securing a healthier planet for future generations. By safeguarding diverse ecosystems, we can ensure the well-being of countless plant and animal species, and maintain the delicate balance of life on Earth."

Tara Garraty